BradProof® is a water-based treatment that will restore a water repellent finish and inhibit mildew growth on used canvas goods.Apply with spongemop or brushroller to both sides of canvas.
*This product has been formulated to improve water repellency and inhibit mildew growth, however, we cannot accept any responsibility for results obtained as both the pretreatment conditions and the method of application are beyond our control.
*This product has been formulated to improve water repellency and inhibit mildew growth, however, we cannot accept any responsibility for results obtained as both the pretreatment conditions and the method of application are beyond our control.
- Easily applied, this compound will impart water repellency to all canvas products.*
- DO NOT APPLY TO NEW CANVAS – it is unnecessary and may lead to impairment of appearance
- Helps repel mildew and extend the canvas life